Thursday, March 13, 2014

Reaching farther than the cities!

These blankets that we made are going farther than we expected! But first, a little bit about our sale. This sale took place at the end of November at our towns annual High School Craft Sale. We added a couple new flavors including peppermint and pumpkin spice. We spent two days baking, one day at our church and the other at our houses. We had thought that we would sell a lot more scones than last time, so we made about 500 scones! The sale came, and we set up eager to start selling them! We were there from 9:00am-3:00pm and we sold a little over half our scones. We still had about 200 left after we were done, but we had made quite a lot of money. A couple days later, our local bank was generous enough to let us come in last minute for a couple hours. We sold another 20 scones or so and made about $40. We obviously still had quit a few scones left, but we actually had a gentlemen ask for another dozen and someone else bought about 2 dozen to serve to some family and friends. The rest of the scones were divided between our families and we actually gave them to people around our town who had to work on Thanksgiving. It was awesome to see their expressions because they were so excited to know that people cared for them and were thankful for their service. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! We had made enough money to make 30 tie blankets, plus extra for cards and prayer bears. We spent a couple months tying them and thinking out where we wanted them to go. We had always done the children's hospitals, but we were thinking this time we could give some to the hospital and some to a nursing home. We were also given some fabric from a very kind gentlemen at our church and we made those into small tie blankets, which we will deliver to an animal shelter. We were almost set on giving them to a nursing home and the hospital when we got another idea! Our church does a mission trip to Ecuador every 2 years, and this happened to be a year they were going. The three of us wanted to go with them, but it didn't work out, so we will be going in 2 years, but we were able to help out with the mission of spreading God's word and love overseas.....we sent our blankets to Ecuador! No words can describe how honored and blessed we are to be sending our blankets to a whole other country. The 14 people from our church going down to Ecuador, including some of our friends, are overjoyed that they get to take them. They are actually on the plane down there as I type this! We will also have pictures on here that they promised us they would take, when they return in 2 weeks. Please pray that they make it their safely and that we can really be showing God's love to people who desperately need it! It is because of all you guys that we can do this! Because of everyone's generous giving we get to show people that God is real and that he loves everyone in this world, whether they are sick or healthy, poor or rich! Whether we know them or not, we can be proclaiming God's love to other nations, just as Jesus calls us to do. Thank you to everyone who made everything possible and thank you so much to our Ecuador team for taking our blankets with them. May you be able to find ways to show God's love to other people because big or small, everything counts and everything will be giving credit to God's everlasting love! God bless.
~Scones of Love

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